Tuesday, December 28, 2010




We are living in a world of open system, democracy, and different philosophical positions. The fundamental choices are available for dealing with human problems including politics, economics, ethics, and working with human beings. Each system we follow will have implications and consequences. Democratic countries provide free choice, open systems, pluralistic philosophies, and individuals can enjoy freedom of thought. In our open system, liberty thrives, creativity is encouraged and individual can concentrate on creating conditions conducive to effective problem solving.


In contrast to our open systems, Islam disapproves critical thinking, logical analysis, individual freedom, democracy, secularism and rationalism. Islam is a closed dogma. It is a closed system where free will of the populace is not recognized. Muslim’s behavior and their goals in life can be stated as “oughts” or “shoulds”. Islamic objectives are often expressed in terms of specific acts or behaviors and subjected to precise assessment by the Mullahs, Muftis, ulema, qadis, or Imams. As a closed system, Islam allows no individual freedom and its followers are required to follow precisely defined, orderly, step by step sequence designed in Arabia in the seventh century. Muslims are forbidden from introspection or to follow transcendental needs or rely on individual intelligence or motivation to reach for higher ideal.

Islamists criticize our open, systematic, freedom loving life style as mystical, pluralistic and irresponsible. Few people in our open society understand that Islamic closed system can cause colossal damage to our society. Unfortunately, the general public continues to regard Islamists who commit terrorism, and promote Islamic tyranny and martyrdom is a religion of goodness.

The history of Islamic faith, invasion plunder, looting and community life and individual life is tied directly to Mohammed’s messages. His messages are in the Islamic trilogy (Koran, Hadith, and Sira) Mohammed’s messages shape Muslim thought and practice. Muslims maintains that those who submit to Islam live in accordance with predetermined Islamic law. Muslims consider Islam as a complete and completed religion and that the Koran is the foremost authority in all matters, personal, family, social, spiritual and legal. A person faced with any problem need only consult the revelations from the Koran for solving common human problem. The Koran as it stands today is compiled in the seventh century in Arabia. It is puzzling to say that the outdated Koran passages can be applicable even in this 21st century. Muslims demand that the Koran text need to be followed by people who follow different culture, belief system and spiritual tradition.

Central to Muslim life is the application and interpretation of sharia law and conversion of infidels into Islam. The political undertones of Muslim’s plans for Dar-ul-Islam are clear. Those who question, criticize or disobey Islamic sharia law are labeled apostate, and beheaded.

There is no separation between Islam and the state. And since Islamic states follow imprecise and unsophisticated way of defining human freedom and reject rationality, Islamic states act brutally against infidels. Blasphemy law is common in all Islamic states. Islamic states allow polygamy, limb amputation, genital mutilation, stoning, oppression of women and discrimination against infidels. Islamic states are fundamentally aberrant and the consequences of imposing sharia law have severe disastrous consequences.


Large numbers of Muslim immigrants are now living in western democratic countries. Israel and India have substantial number of Muslims. While infidels are harassed, murdered, or kicked out of Islamic countries, Israel and India provide all opportunities to live in a democratic, pluralistic society. Muslim immigrants in Europe, America and indigenous Islamic population in India and Israel are demanding special privileges and want to implement Islamic sharia law. We allow Muslim immigrants to construct Mosques, practice their religion and convert our population, Islamic states have no reciprocity.

How Muslim immigrants behave in democratic countries is a function of what they think and think about themselves and the world. No matter how strongly we bombard them with democratic principles, common civil law, liberty and open thought system, Muslim immigrant’s perceptual field of feelings, attitudes, ideas, and convictions remain forever. Any one Muslim in our country is what he/she believes is so. Since Islam forbids rational thinking, pluralism, secularism and religious tolerance, it is unwise on our part to expect that Muslims will integrate and adapt democratic principles.

We are democratic, secular and civic minded because the world around us is members of a common culture. So long as we stay in the same culture and follow our constitution and rule of law, we can enjoy our freedom and follow our own creativity.

Large number of Muslim immigrants with tunnel vision who want to establish dar-ul-Islam and sharia law may pose a threat to our culture, democracy and rule of law. Why are we unwilling to see the threat? The threat is great. Many people feel threatened by Jihadists in our community. It takes time to discover Jihadist threats if one is not directly faced the consequences of Jihad terrorism. If we believe Islam as a real religion inevitably determines the techniques we employ when dealing with Muslim immigrants. A clear understanding of Islam as a closed Arab political dogma for invasion, plunder, mass murder and looting and its brutal history may enable us to develop some logical and possible way of dealing with Islamic terrorism. There is a need for proper understanding of Islamic belief system, and how it affects their practices in a democratic society. We should not allow those immigrants who never believe in freedom to exploit our freedom to introduce Islamic tyranny.

The wish to kill infidels and destructive instinct is reinforced at the Islamic religious schools. Instead of inhibiting their aggressive and sadistic Islamic impulses, Muslims in democratic countries are exploiting our liberal legal system and ostensible kindness to continue their primitive behavior. Islamic communities in democratic countries provide opportunities for amplifying Islamic hatred against infidels.

Islam leaves no room for human freedom and moral responsibility. Muslims around the world including immigrants in our country are forced to follow the directives and interpretations of ulemas (those learned in Koran), quadis (Islamic Judges) and muftis (advisors) for proper behavior. They are concerned with what Muslims should do, not what Muslims must know and follow in a democratic country with constitution and civil laws. Muslims do not want to compromise with our constitution, administrative directives and state ordinances. Muslims advocate a return to the Koran as the standard of government and social life. Muslims claim that the Koran meets all of man’s needs. Muslim theologians insist that peace, progress and economic greatness can be achieved not by technological advances and scientific research but by confirming to the laws of the Koran. The statements in the Koran may be emotionally significant to Muslims, but they are not significant for non-believers.

Muslims act spontaneously from the passions or emotions and their whimsical actions produce discomfort, pain for law abiding citizens. One of the most complicated problems facing us is how we understand Islamic obscurantism and intransigence. How does sharia law deal with elements of authority, human rights, and liberty? Majority of American citizens are perplexed when Muslims demand and force county authorities to introduce ordinance to endorse sharia law and Islamic blasphemy law. In this age of political correctness there are several instances where cities submit to Muslim demand for Mosque construction (New York), accommodation for Islamic holidays (Eid-al-Fitr-in Tennessee) and arbitrary demand for anti Israel advertisement (Seattle). Muslims can terrorize phony liberal politicians and intimidate the public, but they could not necessarily convince or justify their dastardly behavior.


The fact that most infidels are ignorant does not entitle Muslims to intimidate, terrorize and attempt to introduce Islamic tyranny. The massive ignorance of Islam should not be allowed Muslim Jihadists to think that we approve of their deviant behavior. Many pseudo liberals praising Jihadists does not mean that the majority accept Islamic absolutism.

Why do our phony liberals and political leaders ignore political, social and cultural threat from the Jihadists? It is a national malady that citizens are indifferent to our freedom, individual liberty, constitution and cultural values. Democratic countries fought against Nazism, Fascism and Communism and liberated millions from their shackles to freedom.


Freedom loving people must make a choice. If they choose to disregard Jihad terrorism, give a damn about Islamic sharia and Islamic Blasphemy laws, or willing to fight the culture war, we will be subjected to Islamic brutality and political decay. Free citizens of democratic countries must think again not as subservient to Islamists. Freedom loving people should not tolerate intolerant ideology and intolerant people. Tolerance and compromise is not a panacea for dangerous political dogma paraded as a religion.




We are living in a world of open system, democracy, and different philosophical positions. The fundamental choices are available for dealing with human problems including politics, economics, ethics, and working with human beings. Each system we follow will have implications and consequences. Democratic countries provide free choice, open systems, pluralistic philosophies, and individuals can enjoy freedom of thought. In our open system, liberty thrives, creativity is encouraged and individual can concentrate on creating conditions conducive to effective problem solving.


In contrast to our open systems, Islam disapproves critical thinking, logical analysis, individual freedom, democracy, secularism and rationalism. Islam is a closed dogma. It is a closed system where free will of the populace is not recognized. Muslim’s behavior and their goals in life can be stated as “oughts” or “shoulds”. Islamic objectives are often expressed in terms of specific acts or behaviors and subjected to precise assessment by the Mullahs, Muftis, ulema, qadis, or Imams. As a closed system, Islam allows no individual freedom and its followers are required to follow precisely defined, orderly, step by step sequence designed in Arabia in the seventh century. Muslims are forbidden from introspection or to follow transcendental needs or rely on individual intelligence or motivation to reach for higher ideal.

Islamists criticize our open, systematic, freedom loving life style as mystical, pluralistic and irresponsible. Few people in our open society understand that Islamic closed system can cause colossal damage to our society. Unfortunately, the general public continues to regard Islamists who commit terrorism, and promote Islamic tyranny and martyrdom is a religion of goodness.

The history of Islamic faith, invasion plunder, looting and community life and individual life is tied directly to Mohammed’s messages. His messages are in the Islamic trilogy (Koran, Hadith, and Sira) Mohammed’s messages shape Muslim thought and practice. Muslims maintains that those who submit to Islam live in accordance with predetermined Islamic law. Muslims consider Islam as a complete and completed religion and that the Koran is the foremost authority in all matters, personal, family, social, spiritual and legal. A person faced with any problem need only consult the revelations from the Koran for solving common human problem. The Koran as it stands today is compiled in the seventh century in Arabia. It is puzzling to say that the outdated Koran passages can be applicable even in this 21st century. Muslims demand that the Koran text need to be followed by people who follow different culture, belief system and spiritual tradition.

Central to Muslim life is the application and interpretation of sharia law and conversion of infidels into Islam. The political undertones of Muslim’s plans for Dar-ul-Islam are clear. Those who question, criticize or disobey Islamic sharia law are labeled apostate, and beheaded.

There is no separation between Islam and the state. And since Islamic states follow imprecise and unsophisticated way of defining human freedom and reject rationality, Islamic states act brutally against infidels. Blasphemy law is common in all Islamic states. Islamic states allow polygamy, limb amputation, genital mutilation, stoning, oppression of women and discrimination against infidels. Islamic states are fundamentally aberrant and the consequences of imposing sharia law have severe disastrous consequences.


Large numbers of Muslim immigrants are now living in western democratic countries. Israel and India have substantial number of Muslims. While infidels are harassed, murdered, or kicked out of Islamic countries, Israel and India provide all opportunities to live in a democratic, pluralistic society. Muslim immigrants in Europe, America and indigenous Islamic population in India and Israel are demanding special privileges and want to implement Islamic sharia law. We allow Muslim immigrants to construct Mosques, practice their religion and convert our population, Islamic states have no reciprocity.

How Muslim immigrants behave in democratic countries is a function of what they think and think about themselves and the world. No matter how strongly we bombard them with democratic principles, common civil law, liberty and open thought system, Muslim immigrant’s perceptual field of feelings, attitudes, ideas, and convictions remain forever. Any one Muslim in our country is what he/she believes is so. Since Islam forbids rational thinking, pluralism, secularism and religious tolerance, it is unwise on our part to expect that Muslims will integrate and adapt democratic principles.

We are democratic, secular and civic minded because the world around us is members of a common culture. So long as we stay in the same culture and follow our constitution and rule of law, we can enjoy our freedom and follow our own creativity.

Large number of Muslim immigrants with tunnel vision who want to establish dar-ul-Islam and sharia law may pose a threat to our culture, democracy and rule of law. Why are we unwilling to see the threat? The threat is great. Many people feel threatened by Jihadists in our community. It takes time to discover Jihadist threats if one is not directly faced the consequences of Jihad terrorism. If we believe Islam as a real religion inevitably determines the techniques we employ when dealing with Muslim immigrants. A clear understanding of Islam as a closed Arab political dogma for invasion, plunder, mass murder and looting and its brutal history may enable us to develop some logical and possible way of dealing with Islamic terrorism. There is a need for proper understanding of Islamic belief system, and how it affects their practices in a democratic society. We should not allow those immigrants who never believe in freedom to exploit our freedom to introduce Islamic tyranny.

The wish to kill infidels and destructive instinct is reinforced at the Islamic religious schools. Instead of inhibiting their aggressive and sadistic Islamic impulses, Muslims in democratic countries are exploiting our liberal legal system and ostensible kindness to continue their primitive behavior. Islamic communities in democratic countries provide opportunities for amplifying Islamic hatred against infidels.

Islam leaves no room for human freedom and moral responsibility. Muslims around the world including immigrants in our country are forced to follow the directives and interpretations of ulemas (those learned in Koran), quadis (Islamic Judges) and muftis (advisors) for proper behavior. They are concerned with what Muslims should do, not what Muslims must know and follow in a democratic country with constitution and civil laws. Muslims do not want to compromise with our constitution, administrative directives and state ordinances. Muslims advocate a return to the Koran as the standard of government and social life. Muslims claim that the Koran meets all of man’s needs. Muslim theologians insist that peace, progress and economic greatness can be achieved not by technological advances and scientific research but by confirming to the laws of the Koran. The statements in the Koran may be emotionally significant to Muslims, but they are not significant for non-believers.

Muslims act spontaneously from the passions or emotions and their whimsical actions produce discomfort, pain for law abiding citizens. One of the most complicated problems facing us is how we understand Islamic obscurantism and intransigence. How does sharia law deal with elements of authority, human rights, and liberty? Majority of American citizens are perplexed when Muslims demand and force county authorities to introduce ordinance to endorse sharia law and Islamic blasphemy law. In this age of political correctness there are several instances where cities submit to Muslim demand for Mosque construction (New York), accommodation for Islamic holidays (Eid-al-Fitr-in Tennessee) and arbitrary demand for anti Israel advertisement (Seattle). Muslims can terrorize phony liberal politicians and intimidate the public, but they could not necessarily convince or justify their dastardly behavior.


The fact that most infidels are ignorant does not entitle Muslims to intimidate, terrorize and attempt to introduce Islamic tyranny. The massive ignorance of Islam should not be allowed Muslim Jihadists to think that we approve of their deviant behavior. Many pseudo liberals praising Jihadists does not mean that the majority accept Islamic absolutism.

Why do our phony liberals and political leaders ignore political, social and cultural threat from the Jihadists? It is a national malady that citizens are indifferent to our freedom, individual liberty, constitution and cultural values. Democratic countries fought against Nazism, Fascism and Communism and liberated millions from their shackles to freedom.


Freedom loving people must make a choice. If they choose to disregard Jihad terrorism, give a damn about Islamic sharia and Islamic Blasphemy laws, or willing to fight the culture war, we will be subjected to Islamic brutality and political decay. Free citizens of democratic countries must think again not as subservient to Islamists. Freedom loving people should not tolerate intolerant ideology and intolerant people. Tolerance and compromise is not a panacea for dangerous political dogma paraded as a religion.