Saturday, July 10, 2010

Statement of Dr. Subramanian Swamy, President of the Janata Party on 11/7/10

Statement of Dr. Subramanian Swamy, President of the Janata Party on 11/7/10

I condemn the Income Tax raid carried out at the behest of Ms. Sonia Gandhi on the residences and institutions of His Holiness Melmaruvattur Adigalar Swami. What ever money and wealth found in these premises during this illegal raid are willing donations of the public and cannot constitute a criminal offense for which I-T raids are provided for in I-T Act. There are no charges by any of his devotees of deceit or defrauding, and hence I demand to know how the Finance Minister sanctioned such an illegal raid unless Ms. Sonia Gandhi had ordered him to do so.

Adigalar Swamiji has been working for a united Hindu society based on a Vedic concept of equality of all souls. He has millions of followers from the downtrodden people of India. But this was not to the liking of foreign Christian missionaries who felt the Adigalar Swamiji made it difficult for them to get Christian converts by financial inducement. Hence this raid has been carried in an attempt to defame him. But it will be a fiasco that will boomerang on the his detractors.

I demand all Tamil Nadu MPs tender their resignation form Parliament in protest unless the Prime Minister makes a public apology to the Adigalar Swami, and returns the seized properties along with Rs. 10 crores as compensation for the mental anguish caused to his fiollowers. Otherwise I will move the Hindu Dharma Acharya Sabha to take this matter to the level of agitation throughout the country.

Targeting of Hindu sants and sadhus is a part of the Sonia Gandhi-directed and Vatican-ordered campaign against Hindu society to coerce Hindus to convert to Christianity. It is an
undeclared War of Rome against Om

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